It's been a long time since I have updated our Blog. Sorry :) Life has been a little crazy and busy. We started looking for a new home just over 4 months ago. We were looking for either a short sale or foreclosure. We thought it would be a good time to make a set up and get a larger house with a pool. Well to kind of summarize the whole experience. It wasn't very pleasant and a major learning experience, but in the end we ended up getting a wonderful family home. We LOVE it! Nick has been working over 60 hour weeks and traveling up to Seattle to help out on a couple different projects. Trying to pack up a house with a 1 year old isn't an easy task. Chase baby has been teething the past 3 weeks. He is trying to get in his Molars. OUCH!!! Poor little guy. When I started packing up everything and changing everything that he was comfortable with it just made him more un-happy. Nicks mom came down the week before we moved and helped get me/us organized. She was a huge help. He helped with Chase, cleaning, and boxing stuff up. Thanks again Debby. It was a fun time to share with you :) Nick came back in town on Friday night around 7:30 and we moved first thing on Saturday morning. My parents came in town on Friday as well. We couldn't have done the move without them. It was 115 that day and soooo Damn hot. My Dad kept saying that he hasn't ever felt anything like it. Everyone was such troopers. We didn't stop until everything was moved out of the house. My Mom helped so much with Chase. She took him for a couple different car rides and morning walks on moving day so that I didn't have to worry about him and I could just work. For the next couple of days my parents just helped unpack and get everything put together. It's only been a week in our new home and we fill pretty put together. Thanks again Mom and Dad for all your help. We can't really put into words on how much you helped us. It was amazing and sooo much fun to spend and share that time with you both. Even if it was 115 the whole time. We really hope we have some visitors this fall. Pool and Margaritas for all. XOXOXOXOX