Monday, June 23, 2008

Chase's First SLC Trip

We finally made it back to Salt Lake for a visit. Nick was traveling with work up to Seattle so I thought it was a perfect time to visit. We had a great time. We spent a lot of time with both my family and the Ellerbecks.. I don't have any pictures of the time with the Ellerbecks. Scott can you spend me some pictures, so I can update the sideshow? We stayed with my Mom and Dad. It was so nice to be in their house and spend some time together. They went out of their way to make everything perfect for us. They made sure that Chase felt like he was at home. Thank you so much!!! XOXOX We went up to Bear Lake with Danyell and Jessie. Jessie is growing up so fast and she is adorable. The kids had a fun time together. It was kindof a cold couple of days but it was so worth it. Bear Lake is one of my favorite places to spend time. It was very lonely without Nick :( Bear Lake is going to be a big part of Chase's life so I'm glad that we got him up there early. We didn't have a crib up there so he slept in a drawer. He was very happy! It was a great idea MOM and DAD! We went out to the Ellerbeck's a couple of different times. Thanks so much for the great dinners and company!! The trip ended up being too short. I didn't get to see everyone. I really wanted to see Whit, Lindsey, Brittany and Schauee. We're coming up in August and I promise we will see you all at that time. Chase did great on the airplane and the whole trip. He was a great little traveler. Salt Lake was so peaceful and beautiful. I love going home when I have a chance. Thanks again Mom and Dad for making everything so perfect and comfortable for both Chase and I. Love you all!


schaueelab said...

ya you better call me next time... thats ok aug. will be good. We have been busy getting ready to go to Malaysia in July to visit Junes once thats done we can do more... can't wait to see you guys hope all is well in hot ass Az.

Miller Time said...

I am sooo bummed it didn't work out to get together. Let's hope for August. Maybe we'll catch you out at Utah Lake for a little skiing action? Love ya!

Justin Mandy and Girls said...

Hey Steph!! Its mandy from WAMU!!! I found you on KOrtni's blog! Your little boy is so cute! I am so glad we can can keep in touch now. Aren't blogs great! check our out