Monday, February 2, 2009

Loving this Parent Stuff

This last month has been so much fun and full of changes. I thought I would put together some pictures of Chase from the past month before he turns 11 months. He is just growing up so fast and loving life. He went from having 3 teeth to 7 in about 3 weeks. He loves to open his mouth and scrunch his face and show off his pearly whites. He hilarious! Just 4 days ago he figured out how to sit up from laying down. Due to this change every time I go in to get him out of his crib he is sitting up of standing up ready to take on the world (even in the middle of the night). This has also helped his figure out the whole crawling this a lot more. He is cruising and walking along everything. It's hard to get him to sit down. He is so busy all day long. His newest thing is a happy very loud scream. When you sit or walk by him he screams and smiles. It's very loud and cute! He is turning into a major Momma's boy. He isn't as crazy about other people holding him right now. He loves to flirt and socialize from Mom's arms. He loves Girls. Every time we go out he finds a new girl to flirt with. This past week my Mom was able to come down and spend a week with us. It was so much fun to have Nana around. Chase absolutely loves her and loves to give her loves. We're so lucky that she wants and is able to spend this special time with us. It's really hard sometimes being in AZ and not having family and friends around to see Chase grow and change. With her being able to spend a week with us and in Chase's comfortable place, he really opens up and eats her up. Thanks Mom for making the trip and spending the time with us. We miss you already! Chase keeps looking around all the corners and rooms for his Nana.

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